Financial Reporting & Analysis

Financial Reporting & analysis tells the story in words, that your financials is telling in numbers. Financial reporting & analysis is all about ensuring that your financial data is accurately presented and analyzed for investors and internal stakeholders such as yourself, to appropriately make important business decisions that impact your go-forward actions. Financial Reporting & Analysis properly positions you to have discussions with your investors and internal management teams. I help you to nail your financial presentations for your business by helping you to prepare the financial reports and numbers you need to present. We analyze key financial performance indicators and metrics and use your financials to enable us to deliver actionable recommendations and strategize to accelerate your growth and take you from wherever you are right now financially, to where you ultimately want to be in your business. We highlight the most important takeaways including highlighting both risks and opportunities impacting profitability, cash, and overall financial health.  Financial reporting & analysis will help you know where to focus your energies and efforts, where to re-strategize, and allow you to have and understand the information you need to make critical business decisions. 

This 1:1 service includes:

What They Say...

Marguerite is the BEST! She has helped me to organize the chaos in my mind and business and created a process that is uniquely mine. She has a big heart and becomes invested in your success. If you are looking to start, grow or scale your business work with her and I promise you, you will be a happier CEO.
Irene Tyndale

Founder and Chief Event Officer,
Weddings and Events

“Marguerite, I am so excited for this strategic plan!”
Khiara Cureton

The Fête Loft,
Founder & CEO

Schedule a Call

Clients are taken on based on availability and by application only. To apply, please fill out the form below to apply to work with me privately (1:1) for one of my existing services.

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